Thursday, 5 February 2009

DSLR Induction

I thoroughly enjoyed this induction, there was something quite exciting at seeing the studios I could use in the future. The cameras, Canon EO5's, were simple to use and the way we were taught worked well for me. Learn a bit, go experiment, learn a bit more and experiment again.

At first we were told to experiment with the manual settings:
Landscape - everything in focus
Macro - short distance focus
Night Portrait - using flash and then continued exposure
Sports - quick shutter speed

I, however, couldn't seem to take an focused shot, and it turns out a little switch on the side was set to manual focus, rather than auto. Once I'd resolved this I produced some images I was happy with.

Using the studio and flash

Then we played with drawing with light, using a separate flash, and measuring the light needed with the light meter. When the shutter is released the flash goes, and then the shutter remains open for 5 seconds. This produces a flash lit subject, and then darkness for 5 seconds to draw with light. Unfortunately 5 seconds isn't long enough to write 'Hannah', so these will have to suffice!

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